COLOMBIA: Cartagena

My Colombia adventure began nicely with a flight out of Panama on Avianca Airlines. They certainly do have a very comfortable coach section. Plenty of legroom and a personal entertainment system. My brief layover in the airport in Bogota was very pleasant due it’s world class amenities and Colombian coffee. I arrived at my choice […]
PANAMA: David City, Boquete, Panama City

Another all day bus ride out of San José, Costa Rica took me to David City, Panama. Customs was its usual combination of clusterf@ck and bureaucratic nonsense combined with the omnipresent Latin American border town dust and humidity. Since my destination was just after the border, I arrived at my hostel and was gratified to […]
COSTA RICA: San José, Finca Luna Nueva, Lake Arenal

Getting around Central America can be a challenge, and the trip from Nicaragua to Costa Rica is no exception. It’s an all day affair punctuated by some customs mumbo jumbo and multiple buses. When I finally rolled in at 8pm., a car was waiting for me to take me to the house of my host […]
NICARAGUA: Managua-Granada-Ometepe Island-San Juan Del Sur

Nicaragua, land of volcanoes greeted me in the form of a pristine 5-star hostel/hotelito and a sweet and helpful hostess of the mostess, Paula. To make matters more pleasant, I was hooked up with a great tour guide and ended up with a great travel companion for four days. Joyce was from Kenya practicing transplant […]
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