UNITED STATES: NYC Pit Stop & Long Island Layover
I got very lucky on my way back from Santiago. It was due to enduring an 11-hour layover in Housto, but managing to snag a flight that left for Newark in just an hour and a half complete with an aisle seat. Upon arrival in Manhattan, I immediately hit Times Square, and picked up a ticket for “An American in Paris”, and enjoyed myself a little Gershwin romp. The choreography and set coordination was fantastic.
The next day I went to the MOMA and spent the morning with Jackson Pollack, Picasso, Matisse, and Degas before hoofing it back over to Broadway for a very serious drama called “Blackbird”. Michelle Williams and Jeff Daniels were visibly shaken after the performance, and had tears running down their faces. This will be playing for a very limited run due to the emotionally draining nature of the performances.
Afterwards, I regrouped and met with Woody Kerr, an old school chum I hadn’t seen in 48 years. We had been in classes together from 1962-68, and grown up in an idyllic setting in the suburbs of New York. Our reunion began at Sardi’s classic after theater establishment, and we subsequently dined at Un, Deux, Trois, a nice French style bistro. I’ve been all over creation in the last fifteen months, but meeting people and reconnecting with relatives and friends has been equally rewarding as the awe inspiring sights I have taken in along the way. It’s not every day you meet someone you haven’t seen in nearly fifty years, but nonetheless had so much common ground because of shared experiences from a less complicated time in life as well as in history.
Woody & I after all these years. Seems like yesterday.
Craig, Eli, and Uncle John
Jason B.
April 14, 2016We should meet up in New York the next time you are going to be there. Keep it in mind and let me know. Where are you staying while in New York?
The Travel Zealot
April 17, 2016Hey Jason,
I stay in a super clean and spacious hostel called the New York Budget Inn on East 34th.& 3rd. There is even a fridge and microwave in the room. A definite 5 star hostel. I’ll let you know when I’m coming through.