As I waited in my hotel room, I yearned for the moment to occupy my new apartment pictured above. Having lived out of a suitcase for five years, this is a welcome respite from my incessant wanderings. If it weren’t for Covid-19, I’d probably be in seventh heaven over my newfound home. Regardless, I am often thrilled with my new environment. I stayed two months in Playa del Carmen on a couple of occasions but the apartment was a far cry from this one.
I didn’t waste the time but started gathering the goods I would need for the long haul. On the night of March 13, a couple of folks with face masks started showing up in the supermarkets, and shelves were starting to thin out on some items, but nothing like the US with runs on toilet paper. Clearly Costa Rica is ahead of the curve in some respects, but they should have probably shut down tourism a couple of weeks ago since I suspect that most of their cases originated in the USA and Europe. On March 18, the government closed the borders to all but Costa Rican citizens and residents. As of 3/20/20, there are 113 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Costa Rica.
One of the benefits of Costa Rica is that culturally they value their elders, and as a result, are a lot less likely to pass on the virus to that population or call coronavirus, the “Boomer Remover” as they do back in the good, old USA.

I’m seriously considering doing a daily rant until this rotten Covid-19 thing is over. Think of it as your healthy daily dose of schadenfreude or as a means of venting your spleens vicariously without having to share in the guilt and shame of being the jerk who wrote it down in the first place.
So, at the risk of being tarred with the epithet, asshole, I’ll push on and give it my best shot. Why would I risk dishonor and ridicule? What’s the payoff? It will give me something fun to do in the days to come, and fill time in my daily, cloistered routine. Think of it as a neighborly contribution during this SERIOUS crisis in which we find ourselves today.
If you are a young person who is taking Covid-19 seriously then the following invective laced rant does not apply to you. There are a lot of people out there making you look bad. You might want to tell them they are ruining your reputation.
Holy shit, what are these supposedly educated, Spring Break, morons on about?! What part of social distancing do you not f@cking understand? Not only are these drunk, delusional rat-eaters cheek to cheek, a good many are sharing drinks, joints, sputum, and playing tonsil hockey, and that’s just on the bloody beach. Never mind what these whack-jobs are getting on with behind closed doors. Imagine how many people had the virus transmitted to them during Spring Break on the beaches of Florida and Cancun? They should forever be dubbed the SELFISH GENERATION.
Last weekend after social distancing was advised crowds of the terminally clueless lined up outside of bars countrywide for the opportunity to drink and dance in sardinesque close-quarters. I hope these irresponsible, potential Typhoid Marys and Maxes managed to pull their heads out of their asses long enough to realize that their negligence might make them responsible for the senseless and easily avoidable death of another human being. Jesus Christ, even Trump finally got it. So there you have it,” Youth of America,” and the next time you need say “OK Boomer” do so from at least six feet away or two meters if you prefer.
I get it we destroyed the planet, and you want revenge. I can’t say as I blame you, but don’t take the cowards way out by shooting me with an invisible weapon. If you’re going to kill me you’re going to have to suffer the accompanying guilt for having done so. Just hope you don’t infect your Granny instead.

I thought it was oing to be a challenge coming up with material for this daily feature, but I think it’s going to be as easy as shooting fish in a toilet bowl.
Current social media influencer and soon to be live-cam, toilet-fetish, porn model, Ava Louise, licked an airplane toilet seat because she wasn’t getting enough attention since the pandemic came along. She dubbed it the Coronavirus Challenge, shot a video of the incident, called “Corona” a bitch, and whined about her own shallow existence. She claims to have sanitized the seat beforehand, but that won’t stop her legions of brain-dead fans from following suit with impunity.
Does she remind you of anybody? I’ll give you a couple of clues. Terminally narcissistic. Can’t exist without constant praise and attention. Takes no responsibility for her actions even when those actions could result in harm to other people. If you haven’t figured it out by now…………Back to Ava and the fact that the stunt was all part of her ongoing attention-grabbing ploy or bid for “clout,” she told Insider. Still not sounding familiar?
Her mother told her she’s proud of her for shedding light on the pandemic while wearing Fendi sunglasses. I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
If I don’t stay calm, I could end up having a massive heart-attack and fail to give Miss Ava her comeuppance. First, the Airline should sue her for shooting an illegal porno in their lavatory. It would be a slam dunk since they have video evidence supplied courtesy of the defendant. Also intentionally depositing her saliva on the seat is disgraceful given the infectious nature of Covid-19 is an extension of her malignant narcissism. She clearly disinfected before she licked, but I bet she left her own, nasty-ass slobber behind. Who knows what pathogens lie within?
In a perfect fantasy world, a fed-up, 50-year-old stewardess would have caught her mid-seat tonguing, snapped her Fendi sunglasses in half, and shoved her head into the head. Making sure to get as many of those bleach-blond tresses into the toilet, she would then push the magic button and gives Miss Pathogen 2020 a special, toxic, blue, dye-job. A grateful humanity responds with business and loyalty to said airline, and Ava Louise subsequently moves on to a career in toilet porn.
Hopefully, this waste of fake nails will be removed from social media for her behavior and find herself in court with whatever Airline she violated.

RANT #3 MAR 20, 2020 – WTF?
NEW ZEALAND’S most famous tree,”THAT WANAKA TREE,” vandalized. It’s enough to turn a guy into a misanthrope.
Just when you thought people couldn’t get any more awful, some deranged idiot comes along and violates a treasure in one of the most beautiful countries on Earth. The focus of thousands of photographs and a source of joy to millions, has been ruined.
The famous lower branch that hangs horizontally out over the water in such a picturesque manner has been sawed off and washed up on a nearby beach. Many consider the tree, which appears to be rising up out of the water, as a symbol of hope.
At a time when hope is in short supply along with masks, gloves, and respirators, images such as this are even more important to the world community.

If you want to extend your life or just maintain your sanity in the weeks to come, make sure to turn off the sound on your television set when he appears. If a competent and honest public servant like Anthony Fauci comes to the lectern feel free to turn it back up. The cognitive dissonance necessary to reconcile the president’s dissembling, boasting, and disinformation with that of reality is exhausting and can damage your immune system.
Sifting through the cornucopia of mendacity that spills out of his gaping maw is a fools errand and a total waste of time. In fact it just muddies the waters during a crisis when we need clarity, laser-focus, and accurate information. It’s high time we tuned out of The Trump Show. The Apprentice was just another crappy, phony reality TV show starring a shallow huckster, but lives were not at stake. Being a lame game show host and real estate swindler doesn’t qualify you to run a country.
This is “serious as a heart attack” stark reality we’re dealing with here, and we can’t afford to follow a man who has turned our nation into his very own Reality TV Extravaganza. Especially, when that show is solely there for the purpose of boosting his ego, enriching himself and family, feeding his endless need for praise and adoration, and settling a score with Obama for humiliating him at a correspondents dinner.
The fact that in 2018 Trump disbanded the office that Obama set up to protect Americans in the event of a pandemic, is just another example of his petty, short-sighted governance in his never-ending quest to dismantle Obama’s legacy no matter how damaging to the country.
Not only did his minimizing the threat in the days leading up to this crisis cost lives and endangered countless others, it turns out that he ignored intelligence briefings as early as January that could have helped him prepare a nation while he golfed, watched Fox News, and tweeted his usual vile invective from his porcelain throne. Many in his orbit tried to get his attention to no avail since he was too busy attacking people, boasting, and tweeting to govern.
Just imagine how many resources, man-hours, lives, and dollars have been squandered because our Commander-In-Chief won’t do his job and simply read the most important document that comes across his desk everyday. Obama would take the intelligence briefings home with him at night, and come back fully informed and ready to take appropriate action in the morning.
So here we are, and this pandemic is about to go Richter in the United States. We don’t have enough gloves, masks, or ventilators. We have Trump who can’t tell the truth or manage a casino without bankrupting it. If IQ45 is playing War President then why hasn’t he fully implemented the most important part of any war plan? Reconnaissance is the cornerstone of any viable campaign. To defeat an enemy you must know where they are, how many are in their ranks, and what kind of threats they pose. He’s in charge of a once great nation that is now lagging behind South Korea in its response. Our testing is still severely deficient and we’ll be playing catch-up for weeks to come.
When the supplies dwindle and the bodies start piling up, he’s going to have a lot to answer for. I’ll save you the time and annoyance of what his response will be. Of course he’ll continue to blame Obama and the Chinese. He’ll demonize the press and play his usual distraction and gaslighting games. Unfortunately for him the stench of death will finally cut through the odor of his endless bullshit, and he might see how he failed those for whom he was responsible.
Mark my words, it’s over for this two-bit con man.
Unfortunately, it will be over for thousands of innocent people before his sorry ass is dragged out kicking and screaming from the White House like Al Capone at the end of “The Untouchables.”
American People & Medical Personel: What about the dwindling supplies in hospitals? Do you expect us to isolate while the health system collapses due to your insufficient preparation and woefully inadequate response?
SHORTFINGER: No Mr. Bond, (American People) I expect you to die.
I woke again to the debacle that this cartoon character of a president has made of this global crisis. It’s not like there aren’t examples of how to handle a emergency like this. Just look at China, South Korea, and Russia. I watched a national broadcast this Sunday with a number of people in our government charged with mitigating this disaster, and I haven’t seen as much tap dancing since I caught a Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers marathon on TCM. To a man, everyone talked in circles and nobody could give a straight, definitive answer regarding the supply and distribution of masks, gloves, and ventilators.
America you are on your own. Rely on one another and take personal responsibility, because FEMA director, Pete Gaynor, seemed as clueless as the Spring Breakers down in Florida. This guy is going to be the next candidate for the “You’re Doing a Heck of a Job Brownie” award.
We all know the Trump Administration is incapable of handling this like a first-world county. Remember how well they dealt with Cat 5 Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico? Trump tossed paper towel at the citizens of San Juan and supplies languished on airport runways. Perhaps he’ll open his heart and start tossing cough drops at people here at home.
Rather than continuing to bludgeon you with current affairs, I thought I might share an excerpt from a January 2018 post from my blog which introduces Bond Villain, ShortFinger.
“SHORTFINGER” – New Bond Villain who threatens the existence of mankind through the use of Twitter. In his secret bunker at Mar-a-Lago thirty feet under the 18th hole, his Big Macs are delivered by a gold-plated golf cart. There he sits on a golden toilet and plots the annihilation of civilization. He furiously punches invective with great stability into his genius phone with his stubby little thumbs.
Who loves goooooold, has bizarre hair and is one McDonalds order away from a heart attack? I hold my white brothers and sisters responsible for the victimization of the country by the sick bastard currently in charge. I have never been so embarrassed being white and American.
Over 50% of educated white women voted for him, and something like two-thirds of white men followed suit. His resplendent stupidity and moral depravity is a symptom of the mental rot in our society, but the people who put him there share in his disgrace. I just can’t hang out with these people any longer.
My friends in Europe are completely incredulous. The Germans are finally feeling less guilty about the whole Hitler thing now that America has embraced a neo-fascist, dictator. “Tweetler” is a new authoritarian in the age of social media and Reality TV governance. The United States is now a Reality Show starring Trump.
I have two more years of international vagabonding, but I will continue past that until he is out of office. On the off chance, Trump is re-elected, it will signal that the country is beyond redemption. At this point, I doubt I will ever maintain a residence in the States. I was heading in that direction anyway after eight years of “W”, but this is a level of suck that I never thought possible.
Every minute this buffoon occupies the White House our country unravels around us. Climate change worsens unabated, freedoms are lost and the world becomes a more dangerous place in which to live. This fool’s insecurities have pushed us closer to the precipice of nuclear war than any time since the Cuban Missile Crisis. At that time we had Kennedy and Khrushchev in charge, not two whack jobs with daddy issues and bad haircuts.
Why would I soil this blog with musings on the horrors that manifest themselves back in Washington D.C.? It is awfully hard to maintain the level of denial required to forget the elephant in the living room. The Republicans can’t seem to grasp the import of wresting control of our country from the raging toddler-in-chief.
I have the advantage of an array of incredible experiences to distract me from our tuppenny tyrant back home. However, I do not possess the cognitive dissonance required to turn a blind eye to the orange supernova of sick oozing from the deteriorating democracy I once called home.
We’ll see if America can right this wrong, and cure this stage 4 cancer consuming its once proud halls of governance. Unfortunately, it’s possible we’re too far gone, and the only radiation treatment we can hope for will come as the result of a twitter storm with Kim Jong Un.
It turns out our so-called commander-in-chief has not bothered to use the Defense Production Act in order to meet the many demands of state governors for gloves, masks, and ventilators because his corporate masters didn’t want him to. It seems Shortfinger is more concerned with keeping big business happy over keeping Americans alive.
Meanwhile the dissembling of this administration continues regarding the availability of lifesaving equipment and materials needed to save patients as well as to protect health professionals from becoming sick and taken out of the fight. All of this could easily lead to overwhelmed and understaffed hospitals.
The sooner things get back to normal the sooner the economy can get back on track, but what Trump has been doing is not mitigating the epidemic or the economic fallout. Case in point is his insane tweet from last night inspired by Fox News.
Now we’ve got Fox News directing our Coronavirus Response instead of Anthony Fauci and his task force. China and South Korea managed to flatten the curve of the virus through testing, strict personal distancing, and isolation. And they had enough supplies. Compare that with Hong Kong who managed to almost eradiate the virus through social distancing. They subsequently rested on their laurels and Covid-19 came roaring back with a vengeance.
Trump lost two months of preparation and testing which will account for a good deal of the damage to our economy in the long term. Given the degree of hidden cases and the amount of Americans that haven’t taken the dangers of Covid-19 seriously, we are probably going to need well over 15 days of isolation and distancing to make up for lost time.
President Trump himself is responsible for a good deal of the financial fallout we will suffer, as well as the body counts to come. Why should it come as any surprise that he puts the needs of big business over matters of life and death? After all, he loves goooooooold!
51,542 CASES 674 DEAD
As our LOSER-IN-CHIEF continues to spread his usual disinformation and confusion at his Daily Press Rallies, our country hurtles toward uncertainty and having its healthcare system overwhelmed because our president is incapable of leading our country.
Never do you get the sense that he actually cares about the American people because he is constitutionally incapable of empathy for anyone but himself. He spends his time at the podium riffing, blaming, lying, and engaging in self-aggrandizing puffery for the purpose of his re-election prospects. The rest of the time is spent whining about not receiving enough praise for his efforts or his mistreatment by the press who he continues to attack wholeheartedly rather than focusing on the real enemy, Covid-19. Meanwhile, people far better than him die in hospitals that will soon be overcrowded.
Last night’s Press Rally was particularly disturbing for a number of reasons. The least of which was the fact that most of the people on the stage were literally on top of each other as the President discussed prematurely relaxing the poorly coordinated distancing and isolation measures, in order to restart our economy. I’ve seen better social distancing in a mosh pit. William Barr was cozied up against the president the whole time.
The most worrisome feature of his nightly circus was the conspicuous absence of Dr. Anthony Fauci, the one consistent unharnessed voice of truth, reason, and scientific fact during this national catastrophe in the making.
Last night there was nobody present to constrain Trump’s lies, inaccurate information, and dangerously ill-advised plans of action. There are few epidemiologists worth their salt who would recommend removing the social distancing and isolation measures in a week just as our epidemic heads into its most deadly phase in the first half of April. Unfortunately, likely by design, Dr. Fauci was not there to make this vital point.
Vital gloves, masks, and ventilators have been addressed in the same scattershot approach you have come to expect from this buffoon. Basically, the void of leadership has forced Governors, Mayors, and the private sector to step up with little guidance from those in charge. 3M and Ford Motor Company are working diligently to prevent a meltdown due to a lack of masks and ventilators when things become dire. So, that’s a bit of good news that Trump can’t screw up.
What worries me is that Dr. Fauci seems to have become persona non grata to the fragile ego and nefarious machinations of our so-called leader. I sincerely hope we haven’t lost the one clear voice in the fight against Covid-19. Imagine if the Brits had lost Churchill in the middle of the Blitz?!
Speaking of the United Kingdom, who would have thought that Boris Johnson would have risen to the occasion? The UK has 8,164 cases and he has already implemented a three-week nationwide quarantine with very specific instructions including the freedom to shop, exercise, and go to work, utilizing strict social distancing procedures. He was calm, clear, empathetic and concise. Fully aware that the virus could overwhelm the National Health System, he got out in front of this, and that should save lives and protect healthcare providers. Lucky Brits.
Unfortunately for us, our Vascillator-in-Chief, called it a hoax, dragged his feet, engaged in wishful happy-talk, and worried about his bid for the presidency thus losing two months of precious time. Make no mistake, people, we are in real trouble here. We have a seriously-flawed, federal, coordinated effort. We are short on supplies. We are way behind on testing to determine upcoming hotspots.
The economy is going to take a bad hit because of our squandered opportunities for timely preparation. There is no avoiding that, but there is a chance to reduce the amount of mortality if we employ drastic measures on a national level like Boris Johnson.
One good bit of news is that a lot of our response is not controlled by the Orange Pathogen in the White House. Many State Governors are taking the bull by the horns and doing what is required to protect their citizens. So Trumpty-Dumpty can pull the plug on quarantine and isolation in a week, but it’s doubtful the real public servants will follow suit. They listen to scientists and actually care about their constituents.
Sadly 30 out of 50 states are doing nothing! Meanwhile Trump is looking to fill up the churches on Easter Sunday (April 12th). Bad enough we will be sacrificing people on the alter of commerce, but to do it for the sake of selling of Easter Baskets. I have often said that the the fundamental problem with the United States is that it operates on the premise of PROFITS OVER PEOPLE. Climate change, mass shootings, homelessness, wars, and income inequality find their origin in this philosophy of greed, of which Donald J. Trump is the poster child.
Bottom line, I suspect if IQ45’s obtuse, uninformed approach is allowed to move forward, it will likely not only result in more deaths, but also lengthen the grip that Covid-19 has upon all of us. In the end, he will not only have blood on his short-fingered hands, but his precious economy will be in tatters as well.
RANT #8 – WHEATGRASS JUICE – March 25, 2020
I know it’s good for you, but never was there a more horrible beverage created on planet Earth. So horrible is this stuff that the even Covid-91 sufferers on their last legs would hesitate to finish a double-shot even if it was declared as a universal cure for their illness.
If you haven’t partaken of this vegetarian assault on existence itself, it could come as a bit of a surprise. People are lining up to pay good money for a shot of the vile green liquid like it’s the equivalent of Vegan Vodka.
Then comes the unforgettable moment when you drink the stuff. The first thing that happens if you’re a guy, is a lucid flashback to a time when you were mowing the lawn when you were twelve or so. You feel grown up and satisfied with a job well done, but the pleasant reverie soon gives way to an agonizing burst of flavor so displeasing that makes you want to burn off your taste buds.
Imagine cutting the grass, flipping over the mower, scooping the grass and juices from around the blade guard, and then proceed to squeeze the contents of your hand over your mouth. That is what the Wheatgrass Experience is like. Afterward you’ll feel like joining your dog out on the lawn after he’s done grazing, and then bonding over a nice chartreuse pukefest.
If someone gives you some there is a good chance they are f@cking with you and not concerned with your health. So unless you feel like munching on your lawn, I would cut this nasty, green, health mulch a wide berth. Eat some kale or broccoli if you must ingest some healty greens.
I thought you might need a break from all of the depressing news regarding the mishandling of our national crisis. There will be plenty of time for more condemnation as New York’s health system is on the verge of calamity as it surpassed 100 deaths in one day.
Just when you think I’ve gone off the hyperbolic deep end on the March 22nd Rant when I portrayed Trump as “Shortfinger,” telling the American people he expects them to die, along comes Trump, Fox News, Glenn Beck, and other Republicans to prove me right.
In the spirit of Goldfinger telling Bond that he expected him to die, so too “Shortfinger” and his minions expect the same of seniors who made sacrifices from the beaches of Normandy to the jungles of Vietnam. Yes, Baby Boomers have been called to duty to sacrifice themselves for the dear leader by going back to work in order to salvage an economy that Trump’s inaction, incompetence and misinformation helped to tank in the first place.
Whack a doodle Beck went so far as to say that he would rather die than kill the country. Beck is just one in a growing number of prominent, delusional conservatives to argue that older Americans should risk their lives to save the economy. Of course, in Trump’s case, it’s clear that his only real concern is securing his chances at retaining the presidency come November.
In fact, that has been his only guiding light throughout this crisis. His tireless efforts during this crisis at turning press conferences into nightly political rallies and distorting facts for his own advantage, have made it nearly impossible for the American people to gain a consistent and comprehensive message in order to protect themselves and their families.
As many have been saying, he is making a bad thing worse. Forcing people back to work prematurely will cost lives and make things worse. Not having sufficient testing where the infections can be traced like in South Korea will make things worse. Making social distancing and isolation a piecemeal requirement in only half of the states continues to make things worse. Not enacting the Defense Production act is going to cost lives and make things much worse. Every lie, impulse, misleading phrase, and torrent of magical thinking that escapes his sagging jowls makes it all worse.
Just when you think I’ve gone off the hyperbolic deep end on the March 22nd Rant when I portrayed Trump as “Shortfinger,” telling the American people he expects them to die, along comes Trump, Fox News, Glenn Beck, and other Republicans to prove me right.
In the spirit of Goldfinger telling Bond that he expected him to die, so too “Shortfinger” and his minions expect the same of seniors who made sacrifices from the beaches of Normandy to the jungles of Vietnam. Yes, Baby Boomers have been called to duty to sacrifice themselves for the dear leader by going back to work in order to salvage an economy that Trump’s inaction, incompetence and misinformation helped to tank in the first place.
Whack a doodle Beck went so far as to say that he would rather die than kill the country. Beck is just one in a growing number of prominent, delusional conservatives to argue that older Americans should risk their lives to save the economy. Of course, in Trump’s case, it’s clear that his only real concern is securing his chances at retaining the presidency come November.
In fact, that has been his only guiding light throughout this crisis. His tireless efforts during this crisis at turning press conferences into nightly political rallies and distorting facts for his own advantage, have made it nearly impossible for the American people to gain a consistent and comprehensive message in order to protect themselves and their families.
As many have been saying, he is making a bad thing worse. Forcing people back to work prematurely will cost lives and make things worse. Not having sufficient testing where the infections can be traced like in South Korea will make things worse. Making social distancing and isolation a piecemeal requirement in only half of the states continues to make things worse. Not enacting the Defense Production act is going to cost lives and make things much worse. Every lie, impulse, misleading phrase, and torrent of magical thinking that escapes his sagging jowls makes it all worse.
Just when you think I’ve gone off the hyperbolic deep end on the March 22nd Rant when I portrayed Trump as “Shortfinger,” telling the American people he expects them to die, along comes Trump, Fox News, Glenn Beck, and other Republicans to prove me right.
In the spirit of Goldfinger telling Bond that he expected him to die, so too “Shortfinger” and his minions expect the same of seniors who made sacrifices from the beaches of Normandy to the jungles of Vietnam. Yes, Baby Boomers have been called to duty to sacrifice themselves for the dear leader by going back to work in order to salvage an economy that Trump’s inaction, incompetence and misinformation helped to tank in the first place.
Whack a doodle Beck went so far as to say that he would rather die than kill the country. Beck is just one in a growing number of prominent, delusional conservatives to argue that older Americans should risk their lives to save the economy. Of course, in Trump’s case, it’s clear that his only real concern is securing his chances at retaining the presidency come November.
In fact, that has been his only guiding light throughout this crisis. His tireless efforts during this crisis at turning press conferences into nightly political rallies and distorting facts for his own advantage, have made it nearly impossible for the American people to gain a consistent and comprehensive message in order to protect themselves and their families.
As many have been saying, he is making a bad thing worse. Forcing people back to work prematurely will cost lives and make things worse. Not having sufficient testing where the infections can be traced like in South Korea will make things worse. Making social distancing and isolation a piecemeal requirement in only half of the states continues to make things worse. Not enacting the Defense Production act is going to cost lives and make things much worse. Every lie, impulse, misleading phrase, and torrent of magical thinking that escapes his sagging jowls makes it all worse.
The number one, lowest, common denominator here is Donald Trump. There’s a very simple fix here. His best bet and most compelling chance at combating the Covid-19 pandemic is to merely STFU.
As we rapidly approach 100,000 cases with numbers going exponential, our Emperor with no clothes has finally put his fiddle down, and is scrambling to avoid a complete meltdown. After a week of clashing with Governors over supplies, he has finally managed to ease enough of his head out of his rectum to recognize that lots of dead people will play no better with his optics than a damaged economy.
For the longest time he expressed doubts that an enormous, metropolitan area like New York’s was going to need the 40,000 ventilators as was recommended to Governor Cuomo by his staff.
Today it was revealed that Trump’s master stroke of voluntary production of supplies by our generous corporations, has collapsed like a house of cards. General Motors, who wouldn’t even exist if not for a bailout by Barack Obama in 2008, is whining about retooling and will not be able to meet its obligations.
This brings us back to the Defense Production Act which our fearful leader failed to enact because Big Business was averse to the concept. Once again profits over people has reigned supreme, however this time people are going to die for the lack of ventilators for which Cuomo has been shouting from the rooftops of NYC for about for a week.
This administration has learned nothing about the need for a federalized supply system to oversee this crisis. Trump is incapable of learning or perceiving this calamity through the lens of rationality. Consistently he pulls nonsense out of his ass or offers up his latest, baseless, gut solution rather than let his doctors and scientists plot a viable course with a consistent message. The only uniform message from Teflon Don is that none of this is his fault, ever.
I’m sure there are evangelicals all over the country ready to fill the pews countrywide for their Ascended Charlatan’s Economic Resurrection on Easter Sunday, April 12. Never mind the general consensus is that New York won’t hit the apex of cases until May 12, and that many new hotspots will just be exploding with their deadly chaos. Fortunately we have Dr. Fauci as a guard rail for our Toddler-In-Chief’s more inane ideas, gut feelings, and outright lies.
I do not suffer fools gladly. If Trump want to put his supporters in the line of fire, have at it. There should be some sort of penalty for the Christian hypocrites following and supporting an Anti-Christ like the Donald. Let Cult 45 put their faith where their mouth is and go back to work and keep the economy going for their capitalist prophet. Glenn Beck, we’re saving the first pew for you.
Some may have to die in order that we might become enlightened and implement life-saving, scientifically-based thought and actions that will save hundreds of thousands of others in the long run.
As we rapidly approach 100,000 cases with numbers going exponential, our Emperor with no clothes has finally put his fiddle down, and is scrambling to avoid a complete meltdown. After a week of clashing with Governors over supplies, he has finally managed to ease enough of his head out of his rectum to recognize that lots of dead people will play no better with his optics than a damaged economy.
For the longest time he expressed doubts that an enormous, metropolitan area like New York’s was going to need the 40,000 ventilators as was recommended to Governor Cuomo by his staff.
Today it was revealed that Trump’s master stroke of voluntary production of supplies by our generous corporations, has collapsed like a house of cards. General Motors, who wouldn’t even exist if not for a bailout by Barack Obama in 2008, is whining about retooling and will not be able to meet its obligations.
This brings us back to the Defense Production Act which our fearful leader failed to enact because Big Business was averse to the concept. Once again profits over people has reigned supreme, however this time people are going to die for the lack of ventilators for which Cuomo has been shouting from the rooftops of NYC for about for a week.
This administration has learned nothing about the need for a federalized supply system to oversee this crisis. Trump is incapable of learning or perceiving this calamity through the lens of rationality. Consistently he pulls nonsense out of his ass or offers up his latest, baseless, gut solution rather than let his doctors and scientists plot a viable course with a consistent message. The only uniform message from Teflon Don is that none of this is his fault, ever.
I’m sure there are evangelicals all over the country ready to fill the pews countrywide for their Ascended Charlatan’s Economic Resurrection on Easter Sunday, April 12. Never mind the general consensus is that New York won’t hit the apex of cases until May 12, and that many new hotspots will just be exploding with their deadly chaos. Fortunately we have Dr. Fauci as a guard rail for our Toddler-In-Chief’s more inane ideas, gut feelings, and outright lies.
I do not suffer fools gladly. If Trump want to put his supporters in the line of fire, have at it. There should be some sort of penalty for the Christian hypocrites following and supporting an Anti-Christ like the Donald. Let Cult 45 put their faith where their mouth is and go back to work and keep the economy going for their capitalist prophet. Glenn Beck, we’re saving the first pew for you.
Some may have to die in order that we might become enlightened and implement life-saving, scientifically-based thought and actions that will save hundreds of thousands of others in the long run.
As we rapidly approach 100,000 cases with numbers going exponential, our Emperor with no clothes has finally put his fiddle down and is scrambling to avoid a complete meltdown. After a week of clashing with Governors over supplies, he has finally managed to ease enough of his head out of his rectum to recognize that lots of dead people will play no better with his optics than a damaged economy.
For the longest time he expressed doubts that an enormous, metropolitan area like New York’s was going to need the 40,000 ventilators as was recommended to Governor Cuomo by his staff.
Today it was revealed that Trump’s master stroke of voluntary production of supplies by our generous corporations, has collapsed like a house of cards. General Motors, who wouldn’t even exist if not for a bailout by Barack Obama in 2008, is whining about retooling and will not be able to meet its obligations.
This brings us back to the Defense Production Act which our fearful leader failed to enact because Big Business was averse to the concept. Once again profits over people has reigned supreme, however this time people are going to die for the lack of ventilators for which Cuomo has been shouting from the rooftops of NYC for about for a week.
This administration has learned nothing about the need for a federalized supply system to oversee this crisis. Trump is incapable of learning or perceiving this calamity through the lens of rationality. Consistently he pulls nonsense out of his ass or offers up his latest, baseless, gut solution rather than let his doctors and scientists plot a viable course with a consistent message. The only uniform message from Teflon Don is that none of this is his fault, ever.
I’m sure there are evangelicals all over the country ready to fill the pews countrywide for their Ascended Charlatan’s Economic Resurrection on Easter Sunday, April 12. Never mind the general consensus is that New York won’t hit the apex of cases until May 12, and that many new hotspots will just be exploding with their deadly chaos. Fortunately we have Dr. Fauci as a guard rail for our Toddler-In-Chief’s more inane ideas, gut feelings, and outright lies.
I do not suffer fools gladly. If Trump want to put his supporters in the line of fire, have at it. There should be some sort of penalty for the Christian hypocrites following and supporting an Anti-Christ like the Donald. Let Cult 45 put their faith where their mouth is and go back to work and keep the economy going for their capitalist prophet. Glenn Beck, we’re saving the first pew for you.
Some may have to die in order that we might become enlightened and implement life-saving, scientifically-based thought and actions that will save hundreds of thousands of others in the long run.
Looks like “Donnie Come Lately” finally read my latest rant and enacted the Defense Production Act with GM this afternoon, a full week after activating it. As usual his response to this pandemic in our country always comes a day late and a dollar short. The buck will no doubt stop with whomever he deems appropriate.
This day was Trumps wannabe “Mission Accomplished” moment using the Norfolk Naval Base and the Hospital Ship Comfort, after being introduced with unctuous praise and lickspittle adulation that has become commonplace in the Trump administration. The Comfort will be sent to New York City to handle additional overflow and assist in the fight against Covid-19.
He claimed that he would stop at nothing to protect the American people. Meanwhile Governors must kiss his ass or risk losing government support, supplies, and assistance.
Today the president delivered his usual rambling, scattershot address where he patted himself on the back incessantly and repeated himself so much that his politicking could have been stated in a third of the time but for the fact that he loves the sound of his own voice. Basically, the synopsis of his speech was “We have done a job the likes of which nobody’s seen.”
Since he’s running out of people and countries to blame, he’s pulled one of his favorite weapons out of his arsenal. THIS IS ALL A DISTRACTION FROM THE CALAMITY HIS ADMINITRATION HAS CREATED.
Don’t for a minute imagine that the Donald cares about anyone, especially New Yorkers, who’ve had his number for at least 40 years now. He’s just in permanent campaign mode to serve his own interests. Native New Yorkers hate his guts for the most part, and you know how much tolerance Mr. Thin Skin has for his detractors.
Due to his tardy and zig-zagging response the virus continues to spread as other hot-spots prepare to explode. New Orleans is on the verge of a meltdown. The mayor desperately requested 12,000 ventilators but received only 192 to be followed by another hundred next week.
This same phenomenon will be playing out over the coming weeks because of his early missteps as well as his failure to implement the Defense Production Act in a timely manner. Trump will continue to throw out big numbers and wave his hands around like the huckster he is.
This day was Trumps wannabe “Mission Accomplished” moment using the Norfolk Naval Base and the Hospital Ship Comfort, after being introduced with unctuous praise and lickspittle adulation that has become commonplace in the Trump administration. The Comfort will be sent to New York City to handle additional overflow and assist in the fight against Covid-19.
He claimed that he would stop at nothing to protect the American people. Meanwhile Governors must kiss his ass or risk losing government support, supplies, and assistance.
Today the president delivered his usual rambling, scattershot address where he patted himself on the back incessantly and repeated himself so much that his politicking could have been stated in a third of the time but for the fact that he loves the sound of his own voice. Basically, the synopsis of his speech was “We have done a job the likes of which nobody’s seen.”
Since he’s running out of people and countries to blame, he’s pulled one of his favorite weapons out of his arsenal. THIS IS ALL A DISTRACTION FROM THE CALAMITY HIS ADMINISTRATION HAS CREATED.
Don’t for a minute imagine that the Donald cares about anyone, especially New Yorkers, who’ve had his number for at least 40 years now. He’s just in permanent campaign mode to serve his own interests. Native New Yorkers hate his guts for the most part, and you know how much tolerance Mr. Thin Skin has for his detractors.
Due to his tardy and zig-zagging response the virus continues to spread as other hot-spots prepare to explode. New Orleans is on the verge of a meltdown. The mayor desperately requested 12,000 ventilators but received only 192 to be followed by another hundred next week.
This same phenomenon will be playing out over the coming weeks because of his early missteps as well as his failure to implement the Defense Production Act in a timely manner. Trump will continue to throw out big numbers and wave his hands around like the huckster he is.
This day was Trumps wannabe “Mission Accomplished” moment using the Norfolk Naval Base and the Hospital Ship Comfort, after being introduced with unctuous praise and lickspittle adulation that has become commonplace in the Trump administration. The Comfort will be sent to New York City to handle additional overflow and assist in the fight against Covid-19.
He claimed that he would stop at nothing to protect the American people. Meanwhile Governors must kiss his ass or risk losing government support, supplies, and assistance.
Today the president delivered his usual rambling, scattershot address where he patted himself on the back incessantly and repeated himself so much that his politicking could have been stated in a third of the time but for the fact that he loves the sound of his own voice. Basically, the synopsis of his speech was “We have done a job the likes of which nobody’s seen.”
Since he’s running out of people and countries to blame, he’s pulled one of his favorite weapons out of his arsenal. THIS IS ALL A DISTRACTION FROM THE CALAMITY HIS ADMINITRATION HAS CREATED.
Don’t for a minute imagine that the Donald cares about anyone, especially New Yorkers, who’ve had his number for at least 40 years now. He’s just in permanent campaign mode to serve his own interests. Native New Yorkers hate his guts for the most part, and you know how much tolerance Mr. Thin Skin has for his detractors.
Due to his tardy and zig-zagging response the virus continues to spread as other hot-spots prepare to explode. New Orleans is on the verge of a meltdown. The mayor desperately requested 12,000 ventilators but received only 192 to be followed by another hundred next week.
This same phenomenon will be playing out over the coming weeks because of his early missteps as well as his failure to implement the Defense Production Act in a timely manner. Trump will continue to throw out big numbers and wave his hands around like the huckster he is.
In the meantime, the Climate Crisis isn’t going anywhere. I suppose the world’s carbon footprint has been reduced considerably in the past few months, but Global Warming will be waiting for us on the other side of this debacle. One of the ironies is that the Norfolk Naval Base, our largest, will be the first to succumb to sea-level rise.
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