DOOMSDAY 2016: 11/9 -The Worst Day For America Since- 9/11

Well, it’s official, Donald J. Trump will be the 45th. president of the United States. And, we thought we had hit rock bottom with Bush and Cheney. Most of us would welcome back “W” with open arms right about now.
Even though he said that Jesus told him to take out Saddam, I never feared Bush would get us all killed, target our most vulnerable citizens or fervently flirt with Fascism. I was merely outraged at all of the war crimes and conflict of interest profiteering that went on at the bequest of he and his friends in the war for profit and oil industries.
The Donald is another animal entirely. Seriously, the hair alone should disqualify him, and that is the least of our worries. People are deeply frightened for a litany of legitimate reasons having to do with the fundamental future of mankind, the environment, healthcare, women’s rights, LGBTQ rights, minority rights and the very freedoms and protections promised to all of us in the Constitution. Just looking at that smug prick for the next four years is punishment enough.
I bought the domain name for (Washington, Oregon, and California) to symbolize secession of a new citadel of sanity on the West Coast. It was a nice way to channel my grief upon hearing the bad news, and to feel as if we have an intelligent consensus and safe zone here on the West Coast. It’s a pleasant way to frame the things and to hang onto a bit of what is rapidly slipping away as we head into the Dark Ages of the Trump administration. There is already a Civil War at hand that is thankfully more of a cold war being fought at dinner tables, restaurants, on the subway and in public spaces throughout our country. Unfortunately, some of our brothers and sisters of color and other groups targeted by Trump’s vicious campaign are dealing with real violence that is becoming far too frequent. It is our responsibility to have their backs in the coming years.
If anyone wants to take the thing and run with it I am open to that since I will be far too busy to start any movements over the next three years. Quite frankly I have grown weary of all this nonsense anyway, and prefer to enjoy what remains of my life pursuing other interests. It’s time for the millennials to get off their butts and resist. After all, it’s their asses that are on the line. My generation will be checking out soon, but they will be inheriting the calamities that result from the behavior of this administration and the corporate interests that currently are really calling the shots.
Action is necessary, whether it’s through peaceful demonstration or donations to organizations to help build a firewall against racism, bigotry, misogyny, homophobia and any of the other hateful, regressive, anti-human policies that may be put forward by this most frightening of emerging threats to our democracy. As a straight white guy, I am not anywhere near as deeply affected as I am sure many of you are, but I can assure you that I have relatives and friends who are devastated and terrified of what is unfolding.
Climate change is also going to be swept off the table by these demented psychopaths, and that impacts us all. I am most concerned for my children and grandchild since I have already had a good run in this life, but their future was unclear even before this election, and there were no guarantees in terms of managing the deleterious effects of global warming in the short term, but these fools in Washington are going to be whistling while Rome burns and adding fuel to the fire in the process. I find it unconscionable that these patriarchal sociopaths can stand idly by while they potentially doom their own families and those of their constituents for generations to come for the sake of their own greed and hunger for power.
I’ll probably be taking a dirt nap before any real calamities hit, but at the rate, things are deteriorating you never know. The effects could accelerate considerably due to melting Polar ice no longer there to reflect heat, and the thawing tundra releasing more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. We could see runaway, cascading, synergistic effects come into play, much like the potential consequences to be incurred by the election of the world’s most powerful clown and soon to be the most dangerous man in the world.
Flying the American flag upside down is an officially recognized signal of distress. The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property. I think based on climate change denial alone, by the incoming administration, there is a clear and present danger to us as a nation.
Marlon Schulman
December 10, 2016Nancy sent me one of your other blog posts in anticipation of meeting you (today.)
I read a few- decided to reply here.
It will be a pleasure meeting you later today- to speak both of the past and future.
The Travel Zealot
December 12, 2016Hi Marlon,
Sorry to subject you to the Doomsday thread, and although I am convinced we are in peril on many fronts, I also believe that dwelling on this stuff is self destructive. You said so much yourself the other evening. Wise words indeed. In future, I think that I will limit my exposure to Twitler and all of the attention that the vile creature feeds upon. I have mixed feelings about this since much damage can be done by turning a blind eye to evil such as this.
However, I will be traveling the world, and I see little to be gained by upsetting myself by the worlds most notorious internet troll. Countdown with Keith Olberman got me through two terms of Bush, but I was upset the whole time. I refuse to squander the last years of my life on a petty, thin skinned, pathetic excuse for a human being. That would be, SAD, to retweet the aforementioned reprobate!
Instead I will channel some funds into Planned Parenthood, Bernie Sanders’ Movement, and some Environmental cause that is involved in curtailing global warming through the implementation of alternate energy sources.